I’ve always struggled to sum up my essence in a few paragraphs… less of a resume kind of a girl and more of a “better in person” type… but you’ve landed here and I like to deliver on my promises. So, here it goes!

First of all, hello and thanks for stopping by my page. My name is Alyssa, and it’s great to connect with you. I hope if anything I say sparks something within you, you reach out. If not, that’s okay too. I was born in Los Angeles, CA but grew up moving around quite a bit, so I have pieces of my heart sprinkled through the state of California. I then went to college in New York, so parts of my heart live there as well. While Yosemite is in California, it deserves a unique shoutout, as no place in this world will ever mean as much to me.

I’ve never been one to claim any one thing as my “career.” A storyteller by nature, I was a performer from the moment I could move, always jumping on any opportunity to dance, sing, or act out a one-woman show. After studying film and television in school, I returned back to LA where I worked as a screenwriter. And by screenwriter I mean, I wrote scripts by night while I assisted other writers in writers’ rooms for major television shows by day. On the side I was serving up pasta at a hot spot Italian restaurant in LA, delivering cannabis drinks to celebrities, running a summer camp, producing and starring in my own web series, catching sunsets every night in my Venice neighborhood, and taking odd jobs that expanded my knowledge and introduced me to new people.

That brings me to something very important to my identity — working with other people. Learning from other people. Getting to know how and why humans do what they do. Building communities and relationships. In my opinion, sharing life and love with others helps give meaning to this existence.

Now, back to the bio. Upon getting tired of my so-called dream life in LA, I felt a much deeper soul calling to return to Bali, a place that had served as my introduction to spirituality and escape from binge drinking in college. I listened to the call, threw my belongings in a storage unit, and hopped a one-way flight to Bali for a yoga teacher training. Cut to now, a year and a half later, I’m still here and teaching yoga at the world-renowned Yoga Barn studio.

Sometime in the there I launched my own podcast called Room for Sunshine, began teaching on YTTs and booking yoga workshops internationally. While many people struggle to understand how all these pieces fit together, it all makes perfect sense to me. I’m driven by purpose and passion. And I’ve never colored outside of the lines to be “cool” but because I truly believe that we should make the absolute most of this life experience— at least to the best of our own unique abilities.

An Aquarius by sun, I move through the world with curiosity and excitement, constantly looking for ways to better this world we live in. A projector by human design, I thrive when I’m leading groups of people. I’m inspired by travel, I’m challenged by the high expectations I set for myself, I’m connected to who I am at an intimate level, I’m passionate about music and food, and I’m grateful to all those who have supported my journey along the way.

I’m sure there’s plenty more to know, but that seems good for now. We’re still just getting to know each other.

Thanks again for your time, and I look forward to meeting you in some corner of this world soon!

With lots of love,


Hello, again!